At Neat Tools, we are so very thankful for our amazing customers who support our small family-owned business! 2022 was a year full of surprises for our family and we couldn't have got through it without the support of you. Also thanks to the support of our amazing customers I, Matt the Founder of Neat Tools, have been able take on Neat Tools as my full-time job! This means even better customer service, faster order processing, and much more! This next year we are hoping to come out with tons of new and intuitive products, and not only 3D Printed ones, so keep an eye out!
We started our Black Friday Sale early this morning on Thanksgiving, so you can get the shopping out of the way, and spend the rest of the day with your friends, family, and loved ones!
Thanks again for shopping with us at Neat Tools and we hope you have a magnificent Thanksgiving!
- The Lucchese Family